Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Xbox 360 Kinect not being detected

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  • #4065
    asdf ,asdf

    I’ve been having a strange problem trying to get my Xbox 360 Kinect working with Driver4VR. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling EVERYTHING (D4VR itself, kinect sdk, etc) and that doesn’t work. I know its not the kinect or adapter itself because in the devkit the skeleton demo works with no problem. I’ve even tried other builds of Driver4VR and I still get the same error:
    Unable to connect to SteamVR. Error: Init_HmdNotFound

    I also put a .log file in here

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    what headset do you have ?


    Having the same issue.

    Device manager says it’s working properly. But when I launch SteamVR and Driver4VR it shows it’s not detecting the Kinect.

    Oculus Rift

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please send me logs as described here?

    Yamil Chaarmagius

    Greg, I am experiencing the same thing. Even reinstalled everything VR (except WMR). Kinect 360 tracks fine in the dev explorer but driver4VR doesn’t see it. Unless it is not obvious to me.

    Maybe I should create a new post?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Yamil Chaarmagius.
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