Homepage Forums General List of all possible controllers

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  • #2854

    Can anyone list the compatible controllers ? eg. PsMove , leap motion , daydtream etc.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    List of controllers is here.

    As separate controller driver supports also leap motion.

    Almost done is JoyCon and Wii – to be released next week.



    Thank you very very much dude, awesome job.

    Ovidiu Floriaomepheus

    Can you please add support for Vridge controller?
    Or at least fix the reset button for Xbox (I set the button but it does not work)
    If I enable my Vridge controller, the reset button works good on my phone, but SteamVR takes one of my shoes and move it in the air as I move my hand. So I need to disable the controller for things to go well.

    Viltigas LapsaHenry1981

    Hey @Greg,
    I don’t know how to create a form but that’s not the problem I have. I have tried to contact you you to get a refund for the Driver4Vr software and it has been like a month since I have dropped a email using the contact form, and I have gotten no response. So if you could, please PLEASE contact me because the $20 I spent on this software is a lot. and i would like to get a refund. My email is Viltigaslapsa@gmail.com
    Your mate,

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