Homepage Forums Body tracking Help Beta Test ver. 4?

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    Is it possible to become a tester for the new version coming out?

    I mean actually testing. Pushing the software, reporting bugs, sending log files, and video.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    sure. i will appreciate 🙂

    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    Having beta testers would be a nice way of finding bugs.


    where i can find the beta link?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    honestly it all works… there are 2 body colour tracking options. but I did not wanted to inform about this since I cannot guarantee it will work properly and will not change. so did not wanted bo bother anyone…
    basically there are 2 options. one is 3 controllers which I used in video and second is 2 controllers and hips are purely virtual (inverse kinematics). somehow behavior is strange 🙂
    all you need to do is colour calibrate trackers (2 or 3). then make calibration like for version 3 but on the left side you need to select “Trcaker to calibrate” as a colour ball you want to use. for example hips. Then you need take colour you track as hips, put it on the top of headset and make same calibration like you did for version 3. basically holding with your hand headset and led ball.
    last step is assign device in device manager if you want full rotation.

    in case of questions pleaset let me know.


    Is the LED ball needed for the full tracking? Where can I get one or a guide on making them?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so there will be also version with skeleton tracking but this is still in development and not published.
    colour tracking is described here.


    Is it okay if i’m also involved in the beta testing? i’m usually free a lot of the time and since i’m on vr a lot i can easily test it

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