Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Controllers not showing up in SteamVR using Leap Motion

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    Simon PhillipsSimon Phillips


    I’m new to Driver4VR and looking for some help.

    I’m using a DK2, Leap Motion and generic VR controllers.

    I’ve installed leap motion and Driver4VR.

    I have selected the “leap motion” option in the Tracking/Hand Controllers section of the Driver4VR app.

    Two hexagons with a C have appeared in the SteamVR tray.

    My hands are visible in the Leap Motion VR Visualizer Window.

    However, they (the controllers) do not appear in the Steam VR Mirror App.

    What have I done wrong?

    Thanks in advance!


    I just upgraded my pc, installed windows again, and this happens to me now too.
    I can just about see one of my controllers but it won’t move anywhere. It was working fine before I upgraded, so I wonder what the issue is.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please try latest version ? 4.0.4
    if problem still exist i will check.
    i tested it also prior 4.0.4 also to ensure it works with vive. please let me know.

    Mario FarwMario Farw

    What was the solution to this? I am having the same issue. I have the latest version I installed it today and I see no hands in VR however the steam VR says controllers.


    I tested the latest version, and it is still the same. No hands.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please send me logs as described here?


    Good morning

    I have the same problem. It is like if the onctrolers are “inside” the head

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please send me logs as described here?

    Krystian PaszkowskiSoulast

    and same here. It works in Leap Motion Visualiser but I can not see hands (controllers) in SteamVr

    João AbrantesNeo_999

    I have been strugling with the exact same problem for hours (attachment photo), I’ve tryed several fixes found throughout the web, re-installed everything, and nothing seemed to work, until I have found the Leap Troubleshoot Guide.

    In my Device Manager, the Leap controller was not recognized as an “Universal Serial Bus controller” neither as an “Imaging Device”, it was recognized as a Webcam.

    I went to the Leap software installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Leap Motion\Core Services\Drivers) and installed as administrator the “dpinst64.exe” driver.

    It promped me to reboot the system and after that the Leap begun to be recognized as a “Universal Serial Bus controller”. After that the Driver4VR was able to recognize it and the left and right controllers appeard in SteamVR

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    Krystian PaszkowskiSoulast

    Even after that trick it still does not work for me. Do not know why. IT did help in changing from “Webcam” to “Universal Serial Bus controller”. But hands are still not visible.
    I can add this is almost for sure driver4vr issue since before I did use “Leap Motion Driver for SteamVR” and it did work with no problems.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Krystian PaszkowskiSoulast.
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