Homepage Forums Bugs 0 FPS in Driver4VR Kinect 360


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    Hey, I’m able to run calibration sometimes, but usually the driver4vr window reports 0 fps and everything freezes, but the kinect is still running.

    I can confirm its not the kinect locking up totally, as closing driver4vr and moving to KinectStudio’s demo app Kinect Explorer gives me a full 30 FPS solid and tracks perfectly fine.

    Please help!


    same here I get 0 fps after 1-2m

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you try change usb port?
    if you have oculus, then you can use only one oculus sensor and test.


    No, I removed one sensor and still having the kinect fail after a few seconds.


    I should add that I just thought of something else, I have RiftCat so I used that and the kinect, with nothing else plugged in (my usb devices are key/mouse, wifi card, and kinect only, and it STILL dropped to 0 mid-calibration.
    (as well as complaining that my HMD wasnt tracking which was expected behaviour)

    I’m at such a loss on all of this at this point


    same here the FPS drop to 0 and freeze and I’ve to re open Drover4VR and after 1m-2m same drop to 0

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    Please send me diagnostic logs as described here.


    I’m having the same problem.

    Ethan BibbEthan Bibb

    Im getting the same problem

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you verify your Kinect as described here?

    D TXcalibur

    Hi Greg,

    I notice that it happens frequently in two occasions:
    – controllers out of KinectV1 range (i got the big POI balls so it’s better 🙂
    – fast movements (i guess it exceeds the 30Hz tracking)

    Sometimes, it even stay stuck at some position(longer than arms length) until i physically move the controller back to it or Driver4vr frozen and cannot be terminated (Driver4vr fps 0).

    Is it possible to improve how Driver4vr error handles *tracking loss or cpu overload)? Crash recovery, restart, etc…


    PS: I have to be so far away because of the narrow fov of KinectV1 (to be able to grab objects on the ground and wave my arms in the air). That means my controllers are even further down range when facing slightly away from sensor (~3m to 4m).

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you ensure that you have check Disable ROI in colour calibration?

    D TXcalibur

    No. In my case, I need the CPU overhead for running the game… 🙁

    Jerame MarksJerame Marks

    Are you Using a phone For VR? And using AMD, It will not Work. Lookup Vrtek Windows Headset. Its caped at 40 to 30 Dollars USD. but Does not Have Head Tracking/Sensors

    D TXcalibur

    I no longer have the problem. I’m now using Vrtek WVR2 now. I have enough CPU overhead now.

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