Homepage Forums Body tracking VRChat legs swapped


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    I calibrated the body tracking with Kinect sensor and it seems to work fine, I can see all the trackers in StemVR and they are in the right place.
    However in VRChat left and right legs seem to be swapped, e.g. the model appears crosslegged and legs seem to be stuck together. When I select SteamVR overlay, I can see sensors are in the right place and respond to my body movements properly. How can I swap the legs in VRChat, please help!

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need look forward when pressing grip.


    Make sure you look down and position the white balls with each leg before you hit the grip.

    Trever GrissamJhackler

    I have a similar problem however in the balls move with the wrong leg same with the controlers in steam vr they are swapped to wrong side but skeleton in the drive is correct

    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    Actually what I find best is not minding the white balls. Try replicate your body position to the t-pose facing the correct way. not only will this fix some issues of the feet not matching but it would be more accurate.

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