Homepage Forums Announcements Release 4.1.0 – Kinect Calibration improvements, DK2+NOLOVR fix, IR head trackin

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  • #5085
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    In this release:
    – display messages that help identify potential setup problem during kinect calibration.
    – fix for situation where ps move and eventually driver was turning off for very short durations.
    – Fix for DK2 tracking with NOLO VR
    – head IR tracking (beta)
    – controller mapping (beta)

    Damian CentkiewiczDamian Centkiewicz

    Will be tutorial for IR tracking? How many kHz for IR? And it must be a IR emitter, right? So can you add support for HTC Vive? Of course non lighthouses.

    EDIT: I saw that it’s only for Kinect 360. Will be it for Kinect One?

    david hindleravon1964

    yeah the buttons only work on one controller hope it gets fixed keep up the excellent work

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. this can be done as well.

    can you tell more about problem?
    sorry if that was something I could miss. i will try to fix that.

    david hindleravon1964

    yeah if i enable nolo for steamr in driver4vr only 1 controllers buttons work so i have to turn that of and use nolos driver to get them back

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