Homepage Forums Announcements Release 3 Beta – Introducing hand controllers

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  • #1176
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver


    beta is now closed! get latest version here

    Things that will appear very soon:
    – support for VR Gamepad
    – Colour tracking. Right now only skeleton tracking is available
    – Optimize CPU 🙂

    You can download beta from here:

    Instructions are available right below to this post.

    Any issues or bugs can be reported here

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver


    I will update instructions during progress with Beta and make video with all details with full release.


    1. Head: Select Kinect One/360 Skeleton tracking
    2. Hands: Kinect – Skeleton

    Now you can start Driver4VR and your hands will be visible as controllers.


    1. Click Device Manager to open
    When you pair devices you can click ‘Update List of Devices’.
    2. Once device is found, you can click controller on left, then click device on right list and click Assign.

    PS Move

    For skeleton tracking you should keep you hand in way it don’t go too much outside your hand.

    Driver is using PSMoveService to access and calibrate devices and will prompt you to download.

    2. PS Move configuration – turn ON
    2.1 Perform pairing of each device as per instructions.
    2.2 Perform calibration of each device as per instructions.
    2.3 During gameplay you need long press Select to align orientation with headset.
    2.4 Assign device with tracker using Assign button.

    Button mapping (SteamVR – PS Move):
    * Reset orientation – Select pressed for 3 seconds
    * Trigger – Trigger
    * System – PS Button
    * Grip – Cross/Circle
    * Menu – Square/Triangle
    * Touch Touched – Move Button
    * Touch Press – Move Button double press
    * Touchpad navigation – while pressing move controller will map to move of touchpad.

    E.g. how to press button in right corner:
    1 Touch button once to initiate emulation of touchpad in centre of touch area.
    2. Move controller up-right to emulate moving finger over touchpad
    3. You can then unpress button and press again that will emulate like you would touch again in same touchpad location.
    4. You can unpress and make double press that will emulate touchpad press.
    5. If you unpress for 1 second then after another press will start with centre location. That means you can effectively emulate touch or press continuously on touchpad as long as you keep it unpressed by no longer then 1 second.

    Yes, I know it is complicated but if you try with headset on it is quite natural 🙂 Finally I will make video to show how it works.

    If someone can find small bluetooth joystick we can make hybrid controller.

    3.1 Pair with Windows using standard Windows Bluetooth Manager.
    3.2 During gameplay you need long press Select to align orientation with headset.
    3.3 Assign device with tracker using Assign button.

    Button mapping (SteamVR – Daydream):
    * Reset orientation – Press Volume Up for 3 seconds.
    * Trigger – Application button
    * Grip – Home button
    * System – Volume up
    * Menu – Volume down
    * Touchpad works in same way as Vive

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bla BlablaGreg Driver.

    You made a small typo which made a big difference lol:

    “For skeleton tracking you should keep you hand in way it don’t go too much outside your hand.”

    What are we supposed to be keeping our hands inside of?


    Can we use, or are you contemplating implementing the use of our daydream controller as a headtracker?

    As I for one would love to see this feature implemented.

    Kudos to your amazing work 🙂

    Best Regards,


    D TXcalibur

    “If someone can find small bluetooth joystick we can make hybrid controller.”

    You mean PS Nav? 🙂

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    this looks very complicated to me. i was rather thiking about adding small gamepad on the top of ps move. but yes. this is also possible.

    ps. i uploaded new beta. if you have any problem or error please let me know what situation it was and also upload driver4vr.log from project installation folder. usually c:\program files (86)\driver4vr


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i can use daydream controller only to provide alternative orientation then build in sensors. it does not provide position alone.

    D TXcalibur

    Seems like PS Nav is a common solution: https://uploadvr.com/playstation-move-psvr-dual-analog/

    I guess people who use PS Move would most likely have a nav lying around…

    I have this but a defective one: it constantly moves to the right.

    D TXcalibur

    There’s a company working on this also for orientation and position tracking with arm bands.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    the problem with gamepad you linked is that it has only +-1 values on axis. it is not continouts. it is not expensive but I was dissapointed by this fact.

    this one works well is this one.

    some of them bave 4 buttons what means that there are two triggers act as two other buttons but I got one that have 6 buttons what is really useful.

    i have also seen this video and it looks really nice. but note there is no external source of tracking. even with microsoft mixed reality, the controllers are tracked by cameras on headset. here we have 2 extra sensors on arms. perhaps that is fixing potential drift.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it seems like I will have to add navi support at some point…

    D TXcalibur

    I was thinking maybe you can get acceleration data from the skeleton to solve occlusion scenarios? Because that’s what they are getting with extra armband IMUs I suppose? I am thinking more along the line of making it 360 usable even with obscured hands/body.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you explain scenarion that you would liek solve in more details?

    D TXcalibur

    I mean, if they found a way with similar data, there should be a way.

    Kinect sees both but can’t distinguish which is which.

    Say, if an arm swing inward (angular acceleration) towards the chest faster than the other, it should be the inner one right?

    Another scenario would be dual yielding guns perpendicular to sensor. You know which one gets occlude first right? that would be the furthest one from the sensor.

    Your skeleton has arm/leg lengths. You can calculate where it is approx. when the sensor doesn’t see it right?

    I might be simplifying the problem too much. But i’m just throwing ideas around.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    but kinect does distinguish left and right hand. rite ?

    D TXcalibur

    What I was getting at is why Kinect messes up when it overlaps? For now, whenever they overlap(hand/hand, hand/body), they stick together. In the scenarios described above, you actually have enough data to separate them.

    Similarly, if you can solve this, you can have 360 coverage (when the hands/arms are behind the body; head facing away from sensor) for hand positions.

    And there’s the phone orientation problem left…

    It takes away some need of having a joystick since the current mapping scheme works somewhat: press and orient to select.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by D TXcalibur.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    great idea !


    Hi Greg.

    I haven’t had the chance to test the Beta 3 just yet due to Windows 7 not being able to detect my daydream controller within the bluetooth manager.

    I’ve since corrected that issue and have been meaning to ask….

    Is it possible to use the dream controller alongside other inputs; namely the ps move controllers for navigation puposes only?

    So to ignore any orientation/axis input from the daydream controller (since the ps move controllers will deal with that) and just use it as a means to navigate VR titles that require forward, backward and strafe input using the trackpad from the daydream controller, the latter part being mentioned in the changelog.

    I might have to make a hybrid move controller with the daydream controller integrated you see, much like you mentioned.

    Thanks again, and great work as usual!


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    new beta available with ton’s of improvements. please try it out 🙂

    yes. that would be possible. i have idea how to do and will start possibly middle of Jan.


    I have to say, Well done on this. It works pretty damn well, aside from the high cpu usage. I’m sure that’s what is causing my Kinect to not capture smoothly. Mind you, this is an older computer, fx-8320@4.4ghz, 8gb of ddr3 1600 ram and an r9 280x. running this with riftcat and steam vr home uses about 80% of my cpu and gpu. But, hey, great work. I can’t wait to see the head tracking with the colored ball available as well. With the psmoveservice, is it possibly anything having to do with the ROI for the colored balls causing the high cpu usage? I’m sure you’ve already checked that out. I wish i knew more coding, I’d love to help you out on this project in any way possible. Hopefully you can get the multiple kinects working as well. That would be super sweet, or possibly a hybrid setup using ps3 cameras and the Kinect, just so you don’t get the blind spot from the Kinect with your back turned toward it.


    I’m not sure about this, sorry if this question is unrelated, but is – rotational skeleton tracking ( that is if the kinect can detect which way we’re facing at all times so that our left and right hands don’t switch ) with the kinect v2 and support for psmove controllers possible at the same time? I’m sorry I’m very new to Driver4VR .

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by sanjrang12sanjrang12.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. either by skeleton or colour. skeleton is bit worse and it does not track as good as colour when skeleotn is not in ‘proper’ pose.


    What is the “Wii” Button on the bottom of the window? It is for WiiMotes??? That just give me a lot of error, I’ve an 360 joystick but it isn’t recognized by driver4vr will you add support for that on the future? Just bought my membership I’ve a kinect v2 this software is beautiful keep up the good work!


    Thanks for your work.
    Greg your works great.

    I will try use colour.
    Where can i find instruction of colour?
    can i make colour by myself?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    here you have instruction how to prepare 360 and also overview of how it works including colour tracking.

    yes, you can make yourself. please share how did you manage to get that done?

    i have seen something like ‘poi balls’ but they are a bit dark.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    sorry, this was test window i forgot to hide.
    what is 360 joystick ?


    Oh hahaha sorry about that, I have a Wireless xbox 360 joystick with the USB adapter for Windows.
    I think that I just configured it with the Bluetooth gamepad assign button


    Would the daydream controllers like the one you linked “VR-PARK Portable ” work in Vrchat, like actually doing hand gestures in game? Like I could move my arms around in game. It seems a dumb question but I just want to make sure. xD

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    which lin k?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    this is not daydream controller. it is simple vr gamepad with no ability to read it’s position.

    similar do daydream which also I use at home is this one:

    but I am not sure to what you refer as doing hand gestures with controller. if this is possible with oculus or vive then we can do it probably.


    Oh I see, but I think this doesn’t have enough buttons. Prolly Ps Move would be better then.


    How to rotate vr controller by vr gamepad ?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    they follow movement of head.
    i have some idea how to add walk around to make it possible but it is not done yet.


    How to command button vr gamepad rotate ? (in preview clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xkXcWbaP4-E at time 3.00 vr gamepad full rotation )

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by mantanicmantanic.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by mantanicmantanic.

    Will you ever support PSEye camera’s for tracking PSMoves? It sort of makes sense to pair the two and the PSEye is still sold very cheaply on amazon.

    Tobias ClarenTobias Claren


    With or without Kinect 2 (“one”) for Windows and Vive?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    this is not implemented yet. now it just follows head.


    for ps eyes there is psmoveservice that does already amazing job.
    i am not sure what would be benefit mixing kinect and ps eyes


    Vive and Kinect One don’t work well together. I hear on VRChat forum someone said made it work but did not find how even though I asked. But must people report issues.


    Can you add a tracking light ball to a Bluetooth controller and have hand tracking from the light with the buttons from the Bluetooth controller

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. that is possible now.


    when you do this are you able to turn your hands like the daydream controllers

    thanks for the quick reply

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    no cause there is no measurement unit. but… i am working on 2 ways to allow this to some extent.


    Hello, I would like to know if you can use some google cardboard, and the leap motion or kinect to play vr chat?


    Can i use one kinect + 2 daydream controller with light ball attached for steam vr? i use Vridge for my phone.

    ps: does anyone knows where can i get one daydream controller alone? i already own one but i would like two for vr

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. your setup is ok.
    i have this one that you can buy alone.

    it costs now 15 and it was 20 when I was doing order 🙂

    I was also able to get new and genuine on allegro (my country big sale platform).

    please let me know in case of additional questions.


    Hi Greg, i bought vridge and driver4vr, everything is great except the daydream controller is conected to my pc but it doesnt track anything nor detects button presses, i already activated daydream with “yes, i want to use daydream” and assigned it to right hand, however, when i go to preview, it shows no direction or any information

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you send me logs ?
    daydream work perfectly when they do. but they sometimes just stop working, show error in bluetooth manager, and need pair them again.

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