Homepage Forums Announcements Release 3.10.4 – Leap motion and controller, Setting cleanup

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  • #3478
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    In this release:
    – parameter to allow reverse rotation for ps move
    – ability to clear settings (link next to start button)
    – fix to allow get buttons for leap motion from other controller like daydream
    – big fixes and improvements.



    After installing this version my Touch controllers displaced in SteamVR from their real position by 5-10 cm (displacement depends on controller orientation). Ever when Driver4VR not loaded. Returning to 3.10.2 fixes this issue. And NoloVR calibration still not working.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by DesunyanDesunyan.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by DesunyanDesunyan.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    thanks Desunyan,
    Will look on this.


    Hi Greg,

    Heres a video of this running for me complete with lighting issues and snapping to the world origin. I’ve tried resetting settings but I get the same result.

    Lighting going haywire and roomsetup corruption

    I start Driver4VR at the 2:15 mark. Before that I check the settings etc. (Note that theres still a save issue with some of the ps move options. I have to change the rotation to 180 and back again to make it commit the changes.

    Once in VR I center the controllers and then I rotate right twice (and it goes the right way! woo!). Its the second rotate that causes the teleport to the origin.

    Notice specifically that when the location snaps to the origin at 2:53 in the video that the steamVR mini window instantly changes to say that room vr isn’t set up. Despite it being fine moments earlier.

    Once thats happened the rotation buttons dont do anything. I can however still move my head around and have it move in the game world (i.e the kinect is still tracking my position)



    P.s I also found that my ps moves appeared to be displaced to the left by about 10-15cm much like Desunyan describes

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by PodPod.

    Hi this light flickering happens by skeleton + leapmotion , too. If i only use leapmotion all is ok. Greetz


    Flickering happens to me too if I use PS Move Controllers with skeleton tracking (Kinect 360).


    Can there be an option to change the speed of openvr? I noticed you slowed it, i like being able to move quickly. Also, the webpage doesn’t recognize me as a gold member.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i rewrote this part to make sure it always goes proper direction.
    did you notice that ? i will increase speed right now and later add speed.
    i can see you are gold.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    ps. there is new opton that allow you to rotate and move with one device. which option is valid depends on roll angle when you press button.


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    offset is fixed in today’s release.
    can you please tell again what is not working with nolo for you ? as there was few topics and I am not sure which is up to date.


    Can confirm that Oculus Touch offset is fixed in 3.10.6, thanks for quick fix!
    The only one thing that still not working is Nolo VR calibration. In the calibration window Nolo VR Head pos (Kinect) and Head pos (Fit) not changing at all – all numbers always at 0. Last version where it worked is 3.10.0 So if I want to recalibrate I had to go back to 3.10.0, calibrate and install 3.10.6 again to play.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need change tracker on left side to hips.


    Can you use more than one Kinect to track from different angles to remove doubt of what my body is doing? If so, where do I put another one if the first one is in front?


    Thanks! It works now. Not sure why it worked in 3.10.0. I never touched this menu.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    that would be next step.


    Is there a way to have the Kinect just aimed at my legs and be able to calibrate with no upper half?


    One that mostly ruins my immersion, so to speak, is that my feet turn with my head. Is there a way to have the direction of your feet tracked without actually effectively tracking the object, just the orientation?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it would be very unstable/glitchy. I have some idea and will send you something to try.


    Will openvr work if I have vive trackers tracking my legs and waist?

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