Homepage Forums General Questions on the extent of Nolo VR intergration


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    So bare in mind here I an still waiting for my replacement Nolo VR base station to arrive as I dropped mine on concrete and broke it shortly before obtaining a Kinect 360, so if some questions are “derp”, keep that in mind… But my impressions so far using skeletal tracking with the PiMax 4k is pretty cool so far. Cool enough I went “Gold” for the Driver4VR…

    Is it possible to integrate both the NoloVR tracking with the Kinect skeleton tracking for very precise 180* tracking?

    I see lots of people discussing wanting 360* tracking and I get their desire for such but when my Nolo VR was working it often was not as precise as I had hoped.

    Would it be possible to use the PiMax Gyro, Nolo VR, and Kinect 360 to ensure minimal drift and/or the best possible tracking?

    I ask as this as when i was cleaniny up what was left of the base station I was able to see that Nolo VR’s tracking method would be easily prone to interference. While I am no engineer, the Nolo VR doesnt appear to obtain a hard set of XYZ coordinates from either method it uses (sound and lasers)(?). I think using the Kinect could fill a gap data wise and improve the tracking with an additional location data stream?

    Does any of this sound logical? Lulz

    Either way, great work so far, and happy to support your efforts?


    I’m also curious. How accurate are the NOLO? It doesn use kinect right? But uses it’s base station itself. If so, does it have problems tracking if you turn to the side or sit down? How about if you walk to and away from the base station? Atm, kinect 360 has trouble with all of those, especially walking towards the kinect makes you levitate in vrchat or sink into the ground.

    Debating getting nolo for portable vr and body tracking. But I’d like some firsthand feedback on how accurate they are or a video to showcase it.


    From my limited experience before i accidentally broke my base station, it is either spot on, or is way off. I think the biggest problem is that it’s using a combination of sensors that by themselves would not give you enough data to triangulate your positon, and that both are prone to interference from literally anything.

    Thats why i am interested if its possible to combine the tracking data of the Kinect 360 and Nolo VR to create an accurate tracking experience. Only problen i could see is that it would be bandwidth intensive and perhaps thread intense… But I think if your spending money on a Nolo VR and a Kinect for VR tinkering you likely are running something that can handle 8x or so threads…

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i want to work in it in parallel as I will start work on support of 2 kinect’s
    but I am still looking for good led ball out of stock that you could connect easily to nolo controllers. that would make best quality.


    So in it’s current form, what does what in regards to Nolo VR and Driver4VR if I may ask? Is it only the controllers that are being used?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    right now driver4vr can provide:
    – head tracking for dk2 or deepoon. either from kinect of freetrack source
    – body tracking. you place your nolo on body and have good quality tracking.


    I am going to assume that the Pimax 4k HMD would fall into that as well?

    I really like my Pimax 4k, but the more i use my new HP VR1000-100, the more I see of Pimax’s shortcomings… Which I think could be overcome by driver4VR (your efforts)…

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    pimax integrates with nolo already.

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