Homepage Forums Positional tracking – head and head trackers PSMOVE postional tracking not working

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  • #3463

    im using the psmove service for the tracking of my controllers and my virtual hmd.i setup my virtual hmd and im using the psmove freepie bridge to give that input to steam vr. im not running riftcat so i downloaded driver4vr and my postional tracking still doesn’t work, I dont know if freepie bridge is the problem or my settings for driver4vr are the problem. im using iVRy for my headset

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by mrblank5mrblank5.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need run freepie script and select freepie as head trackng source in driver.
    did you set this up this way ?

    Darren CliftonDarren Clifton

    I have this problem too> Im running freepie script and bridge as im using the ps move service with ios. Im trying to head tracking working driver 4 vr is not even changing in details window of freetrack ?


    I am having this problem as well, it appears to be a problem with the freepie bridge and not driver4VR

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