Thanks for the reply Greg It looks like the real problem is I’m not head tracking so the poses are all wrong. But over the last few days, I’ve been getting a good grip on how the adjust the poses in Driver4vr, so that’s helped a lot. I also bought a Kinect 360, It’ll be here on Friday. So my hope is that with head tracking applied head tracking and hand tracking should line up correctly.
In the config tool, I have everything dialed in super solid. and when I adjust the head and hand poses in Driver4vr I can split the hands apart and set their pose so they work independently and can use the “Virtual Controler Settings” and “Adjust Controller Angles” So wish me luck setting head tracking, Does the Kinect see create An HMD when running in Skeleton? Lastly how to post “Input Mapping” would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for you time Greg. Great driver! Could’nt do what I’m doing without it!