Homepage Forums Head (only head) tracking override oculus rift native hmd tracking with driver4vr

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  • #5047

    I want to override the rift’s tracking with rotational data from riftcat for gear vr and positional data from kinect, then cover the rifts proximity sensor, and mirror the image from the rift to the gear vr.

    I suspect doing this will allow me to use the oculus touch controllers while wearing the wireless gearvr riftcat. can anyone help me with this?

    the idea is that the rift will “think” it is where the gear vr is due to the external tracking data, and thus be displaying the game from the point of view of the gearvr, which is then mirrored to the gear vr. the rift is only involved to krep the controllers working

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by TooandrewTooandrew.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by TooandrewTooandrew.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it can be done actually.
    you need 3rd touch to track head
    then rift will not be used. it will be just on desk acting as transmitter for touch controllers. touch controllers are connected to steamvr using my driver.
    it is possible but with current functionality of driver probably not achievable…


    I have a second pair of touch controllers, greg. I knew it was possible due to having seen people doing mixed reality filming.

    edit:(take this with a grain of salt, but in my experience the controllers still work anywhere within range of the sensors as long as the display on the rift is active)
    I don’t think the controllers have to be linked through driver 4 vr, though. if the rift’s tracking has been overridden then it will be displaying the image that the tracked gearvr should display, so one would then only need to mirror the rift’s display to the phone in the gear vr, and the controllers would be functional because the rift is still active and displaying the gear vr’s viewpoint from gear vr gyro data and kinect v2 positional data.

    would you be willing to help me with this endeavor, greg? I need your expertise.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by TooandrewTooandrew.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by TooandrewTooandrew.

    (or overridden with data from a tracked object a la third controller.) I also have a gang of pingpong balls, leds, ps move and navi controllers and cameras, a kinect v2 with windows adapter, a kinect v1 with windows adapters- pretty much the exact arsenal you would want to tackle this problem, just without the necessary skillset lol.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i have really no idea how to override display from one to other headset.


    i can figure that part out, it’s just linking the headset’s view to a tracked object i need help with.

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