Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Oculus go controller "taking over" my second PSMove

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  • #10805
    Quentin HOENENPlateo

    Hello folks,

    I finally managed to get my setup to work. I’m using two PSMove controllers and a Kinect camera with an Oculus Go, using Driver4VR, PSMoveService, and ALVR.

    Everything is working pretty well except one things :
    – When I launch a VR app, my second PSMove controller is “disabled” and replaced by the Oculus Go one. I mean that the controller disapears on screen, and it is replaces by the Oculus Go Controller. Then I musst use the Oculus Go controller to do stuff …

    I would like to use my two PSmove controllers : is there a way to disable the Oculus Go controller so it do not take over my PSMove ?

    Quentin HOENENPlateo

    Several weeks later, I still encounter that problem. I haven’t found any solution at the moment1.

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