Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Need some advices, ready for tests ^^


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  • #42586
    Mike AlighieriM Alighieri

    Well, okay.. I’m trying to dive into PC VR experience and for now I have next devices:

    1) Kinect 360 with USB mod
    2) PSVR Headset (CUH-ZVR2)
    2) Pair of PS Move with magnetometer (ZCM1R + ZCM1E)
    2) Pair of PS Move without magnetometer (ZCM2U)
    3) 3 PS3 Eye cameras
    4) PS4 Camera with USB adapter
    5) Buyed Driver4VR
    6) Buyed iVRy with PSVR Premium

    I’m tried to use simple config with iVRy + Kinect for head/body tracking + PS Move with magnetometer for hand tracking (with PSMoveService through Driver4VR, without Steam Bridge) but..

    I faced some problem with hand shaking + strange “rotation” problem, when you rotate head and trying to move in Steam Home with main PS Move button to point new place but get rotation of body in VR space instead.

    What best configuration that I can set with my list of hardware to avoid all problem and achieve smooth playing in BeatSaber on VRChat, for example?

    I have enough time to test any build and post feedback about (with screen recording/etc).

    PC specs if you need is Ryzen 2700 + Asus X370 Prime Pro + 64Gb + 1060 6Gb

    I’m also tried to use PS Eye for hand tracking, but faces issue with cam detection in PSMoveService and now waiting thursday for new usb expand cards and acceptable ping-pong balls to test with HMD.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Mike AlighieriM Alighieri.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Mike AlighieriM Alighieri.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Mike AlighieriM Alighieri.
    M AlighieriM Alighieri

    Now I got my additional USB-controller and I get work all my PS Eye cameras. All of them got color and position calibrated, but there problems with hand positioning in VR.

    Not sure why… Trying to stablize my setup. For now it:

    iVRy + Driver4VR, Kinect for head and body, PSMoveService with Kinect for hands. I will post additional info in this thread – hope it will helps others

    Mike AlighieriM Alighieri

    Try #3

    After recalibration of all devices (Steam VR Room, iVRy HMD, Kinect in Driver4VR) I’m got VRChat works with setup from previous post, but got no body tracking (I can see moving “balls” of foot moving, but my avatar staying in T-pose). Keeping trying.

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