Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Led color tracking kinect v2

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  • #5173
    Ewan DavisonBiglad7

    Does it work for colored tracking i only seen 360 kinect videos does it work for the v2 if it does how to set it up?

    Wohali WrightKat

    I’ve tried it and it does work but the problem I had with it is that it utilizes 90% of my CPU. IDK if that is just a me thing or not but if you want to set it up just set it up like the 360 kinect. You don’t have to put a lens on it since you can adjust the exposure of the camera to track the colors you want.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Wohali WrightKat.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    actually kinect 360 and colour traking on my pc takes similar amount of cpu as kinect skeleton tracking. the problem is with v2 colour tracking and cpu that I hope to fix soon.

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