Homepage Forums General Leap Motion + psmove controllers


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    My Leap Motion is in the post. I was just wondering, is it possible to use Leap Motion with psmove controllers and the navi controller, or do you need the ordinary bluetooth ones? Is there a conflict with psmove service if you use psmoves + leap motion?

    Thanks. Looking forward to trying it out.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    no. i think they can work both.
    how would you like to use leap with ps move and navi?


    I am thinking to use the navi in the left hand, and psmove + a mini bluetooth controller in the right. So using leap motion for controller tracking, and controllers for buttons. I have a kinect for positional.

    Is there anything I need to do in psmove service to make this work? Like disabling the psmove’s tracking light or something?

    Cheers Greg

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    people use ps navi using scp toolkit. this works for ps navi. perhaps it will also work with ps move.
    i have no experience with this I am afraid.


    how do i map the analog stick to use touch pad emulation for leap motion?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    do you mean analog stick of bluetooth vr controller? you need to press it in desired direction and then from list of events pick horizontal or vertical axis.


    Yes that is what i meant and thank you that worked.

    autoexec batautoexec bat

    Unfortunately, this does not work anymore, I hope in the future there will be improved.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i verified it today and still works.
    please ensure your gamepad works properly with tool like AntiMicro
    also driver4vr should be up and started.

    autoexec batautoexec bat

    Hi Greg again
    I tried it with antimicro without success:(

    Can you please do a little step by step guide?
    I would like to see where the mistake is.

    How do I solve this, that the PSMove controller works together with the Bluetooth (only the axis control)?
    For example: if I press PSMove touch and control the direction of the touch with Bluetooth controller.

    Tracking / Hand controllers: Leap Motion selected
    PS Move / ON selected in Device Manager – Pairing / Calibration done
    Controllers: ID1 – dv4vr_left – PSMove-0 done (to understand, there must only be one)

    What should I do next?

    Thank you in advance

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