Homepage Forums General Kinect one vs 360 to be used with GearVR?

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    Hi there.
    So excited to hear about this software, So here is the situation:
    I have the Samsung Galaxy S8, GearVR 2017 and Xbox360 With Kinect.
    I don’t have access to my pc and Kinect sensors at the moment, But I’d like to know if is it worth it to buy the Kinect One sensor as well? (Is working with One THAT much better?) Do I have to buy PS Move Sticks or could I control the game with my hands or something else?
    Also, Is there a specific minimum requirement for the PC which is running all of this?

    Thanks so much!
    Good Luck 😉

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    I’d say it is better to wait for another video where I will tell bit more about quality and limitations.
    But One is defintively better. As you see also I give number of options. So again, it will be part of next movie but Daydream is better responsive then PS Move but I hvae not finish my tests so better wait next video 😉

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