Opening VrChat or the Home menu, the head tracking position starts oscilating and moving away. Closing the game and the home menu (the menu that appears pressing the “home” button), the tracking stabilizes. Works “fine” in the SteamVR home enviroment
Using emulated HMD headtracking with the light bulb works fine.
Pimax4k + 4 PlayStation Eye + 2 PS Move + Xbox One Kinect
Pimax + PSMoveSteamVRBridge_1.4.2 + Driver4R
do yo uhave latest version ?
it works like you have speed factor 1200 not 120.
can you change each parameter a bit and tell me if you see difference ?
eventually go with speed to 0.
Sorry for taking so long, I tested a bit more and seems that the shaking comes when some graphic configurations are done or the GPU can’t handle the work (low fps), but not sure.