Homepage Forums New feature JoyToKey Joycon to keyboard shortcut mapping

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  • #5590
    Wes GijWes Gij

    I was playing VRChat and the joycons are lacking a lot of functionality because of the way they’re mapped. Now I know remapping is not going to be an option but I wanted to try and see if I could connect JoyToKey (or similar joycon to keyboard shortcut software) to my pc and it seemed to work.
    Only problem is that when driver4vr ‘takes over’ the joycons JoyToKey becomes useless since I guess the joycons can only support one app at once.

    Is it ever going to be possible to either map keyboard shortcuts to controls or allow for some kind of JoyToKey pass-through so I can add more functionality?

    nar ragnar rag

    yeah this would be really useful. I cant even play games like the lab because it requires you to press a specific button to leave an area (a button which is not mapped to the joycons). Another thing that could be done is you could provide in app remapping to other buttons on vr controllers, or make it so you can press buttons while holding other buttons for example: R + A on joycons = A on oculus touch controller

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i can understand remapping of joycon to vive emulation.
    but why keyboard ?
    what buttons are not mapped? i think joy-con has all buttons mapped.
    R and A buttons are on touch. why emulate touch insteed of htc vieve? do you have dk2?

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