Homepage Forums Bugs IPC_connect_Failure and SteamVR shows error 301

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    SteamVr works normally with riftcat without the driver4vr installed, but when installing driver4vr the steamvr returns error 301

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    Dain CookDain Cook

    i have this issue too

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i am working to get that resolved right now.
    what is your headset?

    John LathamJohn Latham

    I have the same problem with a cheapo direkt-tek WVR3 headset.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver
    John LathamJohn Latham

    I will try it when I get off work today. Thanks!

    Also, I am no dev, but I think the WVR3 is tricking Steam VR into thinking it is a vive, and driver4vr is also behaving as a wrapper of sorts, so the two are probably at odds with one another. I can link the install files for the WVR3 if you think that would help.

    John LathamJohn Latham

    That one seemed to work. In fact, I just removed the HoloAssist stuff from Direckt-tek VR (or whoever they are) and the headset works with just Driver4VR. I do wish there was a way for me to change the refresh rate and resolution of the headset. From what I have read, the WVR3 can do 90 or 120hz at 720×1440 per eye or 60hz at 1440×1440 per eye. I would rather have the higher framerate and then use super sampling to make up for the resolution drop. I am still working through getting controllers setup, but hopefully I can get it all going. If I do, I will be purchasing for sure. Thanks for your help!

    Daniel MünstermannDaniel Münstermann

    I also have the same IPC_Connect Failure and i tried the version you postet in this thread. But after testing it i had the same issue again. :/

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver
    Sebastiano Spinasebspi

    @Greg, I had the same issue, but after installing the last version that you posted here, now it works.Thanks 🙂
    is it a working build?? or was it just a test?

    Zachary FlorenceZachary Florence

    Neither build from above worked for me. I still get error 301 from SteamVR. : /

    Zachary FlorenceZachary Florence

    Log files attached. Neither build works for me. I’m on the Oculus Rift CV1 and touch with sensors.

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