Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting I can’t centralize PSMove controls with Drive4vr

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    I did all the configuration following the youtube tutorial but the controls are far from me and I can’t recalibrate using START + SELECT like a Steamvrbride did? Does anyone know how to solve?


    Can anyone help me? I just need to solve this to be able to buy Drive4vr but unfortunately I can’t. With PSMoveSteamVRBridge_1.5.1 I can fix it by pressing start + select with Drive4vr I can’t.

    Igara Ctomato1323

    me too


    Can anyone tell me how to fix it? I even gave up on buying Drive4vr!

    sergiy botsmansersoft

    I may have had the same issue, what I did was set position offset in driver4vr (enable advanced offsets) relative to world position Yaw to 180 degrees for both controllers and it fixed the issue (I am using freepie bridge for head tracking)

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