Homepage Forums Bugs Getting Leap Motion to optimize for HMD

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  • #5183
    Bill Bogabillbogaiv

    Using beta, hand tracking always seems to default to “up-facing”-orientation. If I use the “Leap Motion Diagnostic Visualizer”, the hand orientations mirror what I see through my headset (via the virtual controllers)–random jumps/switched orientations between hands and controllers. In the diagnostic app., if I switch to “Configured for head-mounted device” by pressing the ‘v’-key, then everything stays fluid.

    Another library I use for Leap Motion tracking is: https://github.com/SDraw/driver_leap. I do not experience the same behaviors as with Driver4VR and I think it may have something to do with: https://github.com/SDraw/driver_leap/blob/860459145791acbf69402cfa87a2ec1e7e685c7c/drivers/driver_leap/CServerDriver_Leap.cpp#L27, which sets the Leap Motion library to optimize for HMD-orientation.

    Does Driver4VR already do something like this? While my current approach fixes my problem, it’s a bit tedious.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you can change angle of hands in settings to other then up-facing orientation.
    will that help for your orientation problem?

    Bill Bogabillbogaiv

    you can change angle of hands in settings to other then up-facing orientation.

    Is this an existing setting in Driver4VR or the Leap Motion Control Panel? I have not seen anything that allows me to force a specific orientation.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it is setting button next to hand tracking selection to leap motion.

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