Homepage Forums Positional tracking – head and head trackers GearVR controllers and Leap Motion on Vridge, possible?

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    Meekaaeel JonesMeekaaeel Jones

    So, I am doing some assuming and I admit that much but I am pitching a theory here because I got the GearVR recently and hope it’s possible to do the following:

    The Mobile device acting as the HMD through Vridge or ALVR will accept one GearVR controller. IS it possible to map the accelerometer in the controller through this and mirror that mapping onto a PC bluetooth connection to add a second gear VR controller similar to the way the Vive controllers originally connected? This way you get 3DOF in two hands for PC VR and can still use the menu button on your main hand to exit Vridge with an extended press.

    Now if this works with a fake tracker then Leap Motion tool tracking mode would allow you to assess the position of your hands in front of the HMD to assert distance and make the hand tracking closer to 6DOF in the controllers… and related inputs can still go into the Gear VR controllers…

    Basically I don’t have the expertise to do any of this but I am looking at how to parse together something from different sources (github etc)… Side note, I am noticing that the Leap can be used as a mapping tool for controllers too…

    If anyone is able to dev something like this please leave a link down below so I can help test it out. If something like this has been made, please link so I can get it to try.

    I have made this same suggestion to Riftcat. Hope it’s an idea worth momentum.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    both things re possible.
    you can add two controllers directly to pc or one via vridge and other via pc.
    i must say that sensor when one controller is provided via phone works better.

    if you add two controllers to pc you can use it with leap motion as you suggest.
    i think leap will track only 3d pose while controller orientation and buttons.

    Meekaaeel JonesMeekaaeel Jones

    Seems like driver4vr doesn’t like my leap motion, I can’t get it to appear in the device list. Got back in the forum, virus protection settings too high…

    jono powellJono

    I am trying to pair a 2nd gearvr controller to windows 10 and failing. Anyone else have better luck?

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