Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Gear VR 2 controllers Difference in “Update fpa”


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  • #14032
    José CarterJosé Carter

    Hey, I just got two gear vr controllers and I’m using them via bluetooth 4.0 Dongle, but driver4vr has higher fps for one over the other, It’s strange because when I use them separately on this demo page:


    Both of them seem equally fast, so it’s strange, how can i fix this? Would it work better with a PCI bluetooth rather than a tiny bluetooth dongle?

    I’m using a kinect 360 for positional tracking too.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it is cause you use them separately. similar problem might happen to joy-con and it helps if you use external dongle and the best if on short extension cable so it is a bit away from pc. but I can’t tell if it will work 100%.

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