Homepage Forums Body tracking 'failed to load input bindings' VRChat

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  • #5677
    Adam RowberryAdam Rowberry

    When ive finished configuring my body in Driver4VR for VRchat, I go to start up vrchat and a message pops up saying ‘Failed to load input bindings’ Does anyone have a fix for this? is it a problem on Vrchats end? or Driver4Vr

    Ronald BrowenRonald Browen

    I am having same issue. Have you found a fix yet?


    This is not an issue. The bindings still work. I believe this is a steamvr issue. Just make sure you jump back into game before it finishes loading so that vrchat actually detects your trackers for body tracking, or you will need to restart the game.

    Riley OvertonRiley Overton

    does not work for me anymore


    What do you mean by it does not work anymore? Make sure as soon as the steamvr dashboard shows up with the warning that you close the dashboard so that vrchat will load with full body tracking. The steamvr dashboard stops tracker information from being sent to the game, because it uses the trackers for input like mouse control. VRChat will not grab the full body setup after it has loaded. So you would need to restart vrchat if it does not detect the trackers because of the steamvr dashboard being open.

    An additional note, if you already have full body up and running in vrchat, you can use the steamvr dashboard to temporarily disable full body when you load an avatar. Loading another avatar without the steamvr dashboard open would then put you back into full body for example, as long as the game already knows about the trackers upon first logging in.

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