Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Emgu.CV.MatInvoke Exception

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    I’m attempting to install Driver4VR on a fresh install of Windows 10 running on Boot Camp on a MacBook Pro. However I am getting this error when I launch the program.

    Error while creating UI. Program will be closed! The type initializer for Émgu.CV.MatInvoke’threw an exception.

    I also have Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) installed

    When I’m running the setup and is asked to locate the root folder of SteamVR, I also get this error message:

    Could not register driver: C\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVRbin\win32\vrpathreg.exe i

    Any help would be much appreciated. I saw another thread on this issue but that only solved it for Windows 7.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please try this versaion and let me knkow if that fixed registration error?


    Hi Greg. The version you linked fixed the registration error so thanks for that.

    However the “Error while creating UI. Program will be closed! The type initializer for Émgu.CV.MatInvoke threw an exception.” still persists.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can u check if you have visual studio 2015 redistributable (x86) installed ?


    Yes. I have 2015-2019 in (x86)

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can u please try this build and send me logs from driver4vr/logs folder?

    if we can troubleshoot on discord that would be useful.


    Have DM’d you on Discord

    Paweł ChachajPaweł Chachaj

    Addind solution that worked for me for this issue.
    Started to appear for me after recent Windows Update.

    Requirements: error that Mfplat.dll is missing while running “Color Basic-D2D” in “SDK Browser (Kinect for Windows) 2.0”

    Solution: install Media Future Pack

    Issue: I have Windows 10 N version. Media Future Pack is not installed by default for the N version. After Windows update I think it got deleted or something.

    Installing Media Future Pack fixed Mfplat.dll error, after that Driver4vr started to work normally.
    I already had issue with Mfplat.dll in the past that caused me to crash in any VRChat world with any working VideoPlayer, but I think it was before I got Driver4vr.

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