Homepage Forums General Daydream controller as Head tracking

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    Hi, I’m curious to know if it’s possible to use the daydream controller as a head tracking unit, as my current phone has some drift that makes me recalibrate the center too often. I’ve tried to add the controller to the list of tracker devices but it refuses to link, might be a problem of my computer as the controller doesn’t seem to link, it connects but in a matter of seconds disconnect again.

    So, is it possible? Thanks in advance.
    BTW you might consider to release licenses for specific parts of the software, like head controllers for 5€, hand controllers for 7€ and full body tracking for 10€ (as an example). I might be part of a minority, but I currently don’t want 6dof or hand controllers, just a solid not drifting 3dof (car and flying simulators).

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i think about this for more then year now 🙂
    daydream has magnetometer so it should not dift.


    So… is it possible?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i think so. will try in about month.


    Any update? Did it worked? And more importantly, does It drift?

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