Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Can't calibrate Body Tracking (Kinect 360 + TrinusPSVR)

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  • #5795
    Emanuele CarfagnaArtorikus

    Hi, I’ve followed various guides/tutorials but I get the same result everytime.
    I have a PSVR with Trinus up and running, then I open SteamVR with Driver4VR and I choose:
    Headtracking OFF
    Hand tracking Kinect Skeleton
    Body tracking Kinect Skeleton

    and then Start and Calibrate.
    The kinect 360 is working (but I can see me not in a purple area but as a normal colored webcam) and I can see my skeleton too, then I select Calibrate and try to follow the steps but I’m able to pass only the 1st step, because after some seconds a message appears “It seems that HMD is not tracking …” and I’m stuck there.
    I don’t know what to do, please help!

    (sorry for bad english)

    Emanuele CarfagnaArtorikus
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver


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