Homepage Forums Bugs Button press bug with Wii Remote buttons

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  • #15452
    Cesar OcasioGeekfox

    Hello. For some reason, pressing the Menu (plus “+” button on the Wii Remote) also triggers the Grip (“A” button). Please see attached screenshot of SteamVR controller test window.

    I checked the controller binding settings in the SteamVR UI and already checked that the Wii Remote plus button is only triggering the Menu function and no other functions.

    I also checked the button status window for the Wii Remote in Driver4VR, where the Plus button properly toggles the Plus condition and no other buttons. Yet, in SteamVR, both Grip and Menu functions are being triggered by the single plus button.

    This leads me to believe that there’s a bug in Driver4VR when it passes the button conditions to SteamVR. Can you check on this on your Wii Remotes? I’m currently using the latest driver version as of this writing.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    please get from website. it should be fixed

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