Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting beastsaber sabers are way behind me and i dont know what to do

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  • #5743
    Mark StemberCraftyjaxiYT

    sooooo i tyed out driver4vr and im using ps move controllers and in game they are behind me any help?

    Mark StemberCraftyjaxiYT

    also im using a xbox one kenect due to not haveing a 360

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you need calibrate headset I think. it is button next to head tracking selection.

    Mark StemberCraftyjaxiYT

    In the game? Im also using trinins for the headset or in driverforVR?

    Mark StemberCraftyjaxiYT

    I calbrated the headset in the steam vr thing? Is that it?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. can you try iVRy or RiftCat ?

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