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hi, you can try this build. select Nolo from body tracker options and perform normal calibration with nolo tracker on head 😉 there is no preview but you should see that position of “Head pos (Kinect)” is changing as you move nolo tracker.
but should unregister nolo steamvr driver as we don’t need them to float around. but you don’t need to do it to just test if that works good for you. the only result will be 2 extra trackers floating around.
1. go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64
2. type cmd in path window on the top of windows explorer
3. type vrpathreg.exe
4. you will see where steamvr drivers are. i had this line:
C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo
5. type
vrpathreg.exe removedriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”
this will unregister steamvr nolo driver.
if you need nolo back as head/hand tracking you need type:
vrpathreg.exe adddriver “C:\Program Files\LYRobotix\NOLO_driver_for_windows\nolo”