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  • #6194

    Hi Greg

    I was wondering if there was a way to map the additional directions of the Wii Nunchuck to act as a touchpad?

    Currently from my testing the Nunchuck only uses the up-down-left-right directions. There’s another 4 directions from what I can tell not mapped to anything.

    Is there any way to make it so that – for example – each direction could activate a emote in VRChat rather than turning around?

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    hmm. i think nunchak has analog joystick and touchpad is emulated this way.
    unless you talk about wii remote and 4 buttons?


    In my case I was trying it in VRChat, my remote let me move forwards-backwards-left-right but the Nunchuck was just rotating me I think.

    So I couldn’t use the Nunchuck for gestures and things like you normally can with a touchpad as I understand it.

    Let me know if I’m getting things wrong but that was my experience with generic bindings.

    Also, would it be possible to use a Nunchuck just for gestures? I have two Wii Remotes and was thinking how easy it would be to tape one of my Nunchucks onto the side of one.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    ok. it seems like it will be enough if I add option to treat action either as touch or press. But how you will rotate in such case?


    If I use the two Wii remotes, one for movement and one for rotation, I was thinking of adding a Nunchuck to one of them for gestures. So the Nunchuck just handles the gestures perhaps?

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