Homepage Forums Bugs Daydream controllers not working well with Kinect body tracking

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    Petar StatevNvidiaGamer99

    My VR setup consists of a Kinect V.2 and two Google Daydream controllers. I have Kinect tracking enabled for head, arms and lower body. The Daydream controllers are assigned to the left and right arm controller.
    My first problem is that I cannot use the volume buttons on the daydream controllers to trigger menu and system menu. When I hold them nothing happens, except that if I hold volume up, the audio interrupts for 1 sec but the system menu doesn’t come up. Sometimes I am able to open the system menu by pressing the volume-up button 2x short and 1x long, but this only happens randomly and I have to do this at least 10 times to even have the chance for the system menu to open.
    My second problem is that when I rotate my controllers left and right nothing happens. When I tilt them they rotate the opposite direction of the tilt. Only the up and down movement works properly.

    Petar StatevNvidiaGamer99

    I installed the newest version of Driver4VR and I had even more problems with the controllers afterwards. But after I reset all settings to default and then adjusted the settings according to my setup, everything suddenly worked without problems. All daydream controller buttons work, rotation and tilt works too now.

    Marco WilliBlu3ye

    How did you manage to pair your controllers? I saw no method at all and by simply trying to pair with bluetooth (like in Greg´s video) it does not show up. Do you have original Daydream controllers?

    Petar StatevNvidiaGamer99

    Yes I have the original daydream controllers. You first have to pair your controllers using bluetooth in the windows settings. Then you have to start Driver4VR and in the tracker manager assign the daydream controllers to “d4vr_left” and “d4vr_right”.

    Marco WilliBlu3ye

    Thanks for your reply.

    I was about to write that I have read somewhere online that since some firmware update pairing with Windows is not possible anymore. Also not by that web-bluetooth script found on Github.

    But then I tested again on my laptop which has newer, built-in bluetooth and it just paired instantly! So I forgot about that old bluetooth dongles will not work. I´m gonna replace my old MSI dongle which has version 2 or so. ^^

    That´s why I favour communicating with people instead of just using a search machine!

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