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  • in reply to: Headtracking for Pmax 4K in Video mode #4547

    Have you ever considered integrating with OpenTrack somehow? It provides all of the controls for mapping inputs to outputs such as mouse emulation and joystick and also provides controls for adjusting the sensitivity via curves. I’ve attached a screenshot. Might be a cool thing to have as Input the Driver4VR and then would open up tons of possibilities.

    Also, just want to clarify my prior post what we want to map is Yaw and Pitch to the X and Y movement I think I previously referred to Yaw as X and Pitch as Y.

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    in reply to: Headtracking for Pmax 4K in Video mode #4532

    Greg we are just looking for moving mouse up down left right with the X and Y rotation but under the conditions that 1) Piplay is not running OR 2) PiPlay is running but NOT RUNNING IN PIPLAY MODE (i.e. PiPlay would have to be in VIDEO mode or what others call ‘extended’ mode).

    As @guillerodriguezv pointed out we can NOT achieve this with VORPX which relies on PiPlay being in PiMax mode and we also can not use Steam for this.

    There is other hardware and software besides VORPX and Steam that can handle the video SBS conversion. Think of it more simply as supporting bare bones head tracking with no other software or hardware dependencies. This would create a universal solution for playing any game you want with VR headset, regardless of outside software limitations imposed by Steam and PiPlay.

    The REAL missing link here is a tool that simply controls the mouse with X Y rotation without dependency on Steam or PiPlay. This would open the door for many uses that are currently being blocked.

    Is this possible? Any suggestions for other products or solutions for achieving this I really need to find one way or another to make this happen.


    in reply to: Headtracking for Pmax 4K in Video mode #4033

    I am also interested in what guillerodriguezv has requested.

    I want to play PC games that are NOT ON STEAM on my PiMax 4K.

    From my experience, I can only get them to work in VIDEO MODE and not in PIMAX MODE.

    Just need to track movements in four axis left right up down and move the mouse accordingly.

    Think about it… Playing DOOM or any old school game on your PC (NOT ON STEAM) with PiMax as secondary monitor and when you turn left or right or up or down you are looking around the scene. It just needs to get the direction of head movement and tie that to the mouse.

    Does anyone know how to achieve this?

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