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  • lefunestelefuneste

    Hello, any news of the “add rotation angle” feature ?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by lefunestelefuneste.

    @greg : Did you test the key binding as in the howto ? That is use driver4VR to emulate a key as a controller button, then OVRAS to map button to snap angle ?
    Theorically, it should work with all HMD, but it is still KO for my Pimax 5k+ and newer version than


    I do not see other needs for simmers.
    I’m on discord : my ID is C6_lefuneste


    Great news, @greg !
    By the way, the last 5.2.8 version is still KO for key mapping, only the seems to work.
    It will be a real added value to have this function in driver4VR, it will remove the need of steam, controller mapping and OpenVR advanced settings.
    Your question is not trivial, because half of simmers will want to have return when relase and the other will have to press another button. I suggest you to allow rotation of view either on button/key press and on button/key release.
    So if you want to return to original rotation you can use mapping on press and release, if you want to toogle the rotation you will use only mapping on press.
    Beware that simmer have a lot of USB devices (joystick/throttle/MDF/…) so it should be easy to use the button they want. And it should be also good to have key or button mapping feature, because all joystick software allows key binding and there are only 32 buttons in directX joystick, they may be already used. In another way, some simmers have difficulties to use these softwares…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by lefunestelefuneste.
    in reply to: Virtual controller mapping stopped working #14379

    can you provide this old version somewhere ? I did not jeep it ans dis not fond a way to download one from the site or the forum…

    in reply to: Virtual controller mapping stopped working #14375

    Same here.
    It works last week, I made update to last version and now this is KO.
    It is still working with Vive controller, so this looks like an issue with driver4VR…
    Is it possible to have the previous version to test if it is still working ?


    Hello, I moved to a pimax 5k+ and vive base station tracking, but I just found that using driver4vr and openvr advanced settings just do the feature. Hère us an “how to”

    Driver I wonder what’s missing in driver4vr to do the same left or right rotate view than ovas ? There are some rotation feature in driver4vr, but no value can be set and it can not be linked to a key press…

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by lefunestelefuneste.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by lefunestelefuneste.

    Yes I have problem with drift. I must use the recenter function of piplay one or two time when playing session in flight sim. Using in game recenter does not cure wrong angle.
    And driver4VR is calibrated to fit my headset orientation according to psmove view. I start my session with good angle, and after some time the Pimax drift.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by lefunestelefuneste.

    Hello, thanks for the update. Unfortunately most sim users are using Rift (and I Pimax).
    But some sims are using only steamVR, even for Rift. So will it work ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by lefunestelefuneste.

    The idea should be to still have translation in accordance with rotation. If you want to move your POV toward what you’re seeing, you’ll just have to move your head toward what you’re seeing.
    That is, if you add an angle of 90°, Y tracking become X for display and X tracking become Y for display, but only for relative moves. The location of POV before angle offset should remain the same.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by lefunestelefuneste.

    Ahother thing: PIMAX 4K is reported as “VIVE MV – Rift P1” in driver 4VR, and if it is not possible to add angle for it, the option of adding angle given by freePie (that are currently 0 but that I may modify myself by scripting) may do it also.


    Amplification is not the right way because it will made anyone sick in few seconds. So yes, the idea is to add an offset to the right or the left when pressing a button. Of course the “snapview” shown in the video should be a must, but that means that users need to be able to define preciselly the new location of PoV, the angles and the zoom factor. That may be a difficult task, giving an angle will be easier.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by lefunestelefuneste.

    Another illustration.
    You can figure the situation with a VR helmet with only 90° FoV : this guy should not be able to look at the camera, he will be “in the black”.
    check six

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by lefunestelefuneste.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by lefunestelefuneste.


    Maybe this can help you to see the problem ? FoV

    VR Helmet are a kind of scuba diving mask, when in real life you can see to 90° at your left or your right without moving your head, with current VR helmet you have to turn your head to see more than 45° to left or right. So that means that you’ll have to turn a lot your head, that is very unconfortable for the neck. Moreover, a lot of simmer not using VR use “tracKIR” that amplify head move, so they have a great advantage to see behind. See that :
    (And they have a greater FOV using 2D screen than us with current Helmets).

    Unfortunately Il2 BOS is not free, you can try DCS world with the free TF51.


    Thanks for your attention.
    We (combat flight simmers) have problems when we want to look back to see if there is nobody wanting to shoot us. We are seated with hand on joystick and throttle and foots on rudder, so we can roughly move as in real life, that is few. But we have a less limited Field of view (90° instead of 180°) so we need to make extra moove to “check our six”. That’s not very confortable for the neck. This is why it should be interesting to be able to add an angle to the point of view (45° ?) in both left or right direction in order to avoid to break our neck. I am using a Pimax with PsEye, so it may be done from freePie, but many simmers are using Rift, so a way to modify directlty its angle should be provided. Ideally the rotation should be triggered wen a key or a joystick button is pressed, with 2 possibilities for left or right rotation, and capacity to define the rot. angle. I try to use the existing mapping for roration, but it worked only in steamVR home.


    Moreover, if it would work with all HMD I think that a lot of people will purchase your product :
    VR flight simmers are struggering to check six with the small helmet FoV.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by lefunestelefuneste.

    Yes, it reduce greatly the unwanted move. But it is better for me to have the light bulb on top of my head, because the camera can track my head it even if I am checking my six in my virtual plane (that is looking behind).
    And I have some shivering when using the kinect…So finally PSMOVE is better for my config.

    in reply to: kinect 360 not tracked in skeleton mode ? #4425

    Finally I got it working in both mode with the last 4.0 version, even if I do not have the sphere for the head in the tracking windows. I also installed the SDK to check if the kinect was working, and play a lot with global room light.
    But the light bulb tracking is not usable. I had the bulb on the top of my head: when I look up/down the POV go up or down, and same effect when I look left or right, the POV shift to the left or to the right. I have the same effect in skeleton mode, but bearable because very slight.
    I had this problem with OSVR fusion, and sovled it by adding the Z and X offset between the bulb and the center of rotation of head. Could it be possible to have something like that for head tracking with kinect / bulb ?
    By the way, I wonder why I do not have a so pronounced effect with PSMOVE bulb head tracking and driver4VR.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by lefunestelefuneste.
    in reply to: kinect 360 not tracked in skeleton mode ? #4124

    I tried both. When I am in color tracking the skeleton did not appear in the window. I managed to have some move with led ball (and solar google in front of the kinect sensor) but with very poor tracking. But nothing did move in skeleton mode.

    in reply to: joystick mapping for VR action #3244

    Ideally I’d like to press a button and have a 180° orientation change until the button is pressed. The idea is to ease “checking six”, that is look behind. With the reduced FOV of VR HMD it brakes your neck…


    “4. Added option to PS Move to allow rotate against centre of player’s position, not chaperone.” Where is it ? Does it allow to take into account offset created by the “light bulb” use for head tracking ? (light bulb is on top of head, so rotating up/down for example induce forward/backward move of bulb, introduced as fake move in game if there is no correction…)


    Hello, I used VR only for flight simming, so I do not have controllers. So it should be a great option to use keyboard key or joystick button like VR controller button.


    Finally it was not the version you send me that fix the problem : I discovered that if avast agent are running driver4Vr is not launched by steamVR !


    It works ! I registered as gold.
    Many thanks.

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