Homepage Forums Body tracking Wiimote Plus FBT with Oculus Rift

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    I’ve recently found out about this. Someone I met in VRChat had an Oculus Go and used Wiimotes for leg-tracking.

    I have two Wii Remote Pluses (The ones with improved axis trackers built into the controllers) + nunchuks.

    My question is: How do I set this up with my setup?

    I’m assuming, first of all, I need a bluetooth dongle. Will this one suffice?

    Also, are wii remote plus controllers even officially supported by Driver4VR? Will they track just the rotation of my legs or also the position; roughly enough? Does anyone have a demo of how this system works?


    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i have not officially promoted wii remotes for body tracking since they don’t have rotation. i also don’t use plus data since there were some problems with this.
    i also hear some people did that and I will look on this separately in this month.
    for bluetooth i recommend asus bt400.


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