Homepage Forums Bugs Wii remote tracking problem

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  • #14047
    Alexander KononenkoAlexander Kononenko

    Just to be clear i dont know if its a software bug, my wii remote or just the normal behavior of every wii remote. If i point the wii remote straight towards my screen and move the remote up and down the movement will only be detected after a 15 degree threshold in both direction. Every thing outside the threshold works perfectly normal.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you check tracker manager and then preview if you see same thing ?

    Alexander KononenkoAlexander Kononenko

    The same thing occurs in the preview window. I made a short video showing the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4V2pBpzr18&feature=youtu.be. In the video i am pointing the wii remote straight upwards and then slowly downwards. At the 9 second mark the remote stops tracking and resumes again at the 12 second mark.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    do you see if the driver status changes to stopped/running ?

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