Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting VRChat not working?

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    I have an Oculus Rift with the Kinect 360. I calibrated and everything and when I go in to VR Chat, my character is in T shape and when I cant move him at all with my controller. I can only move by walking in real life, but it would just show the controllers and white ball as my body/character (like i walked out of my character body) and I can see my own character in its T form. Any fixes?


    That’s the calibration system VRChat has, set the balls to where the feet are and your waste, then put your arms out to where the character’s arms are and press the triggers down, move a little and your should have body tracking applied to your character ^^

    Here’s a video of how the guy done it: https://youtu.be/XQWQHREBzVo


    When I put my arms out and press the trigger, nothing is happening. The hip white ball is sometimes centered where my waist is at. Other times it would be near my feet and I figure i’ll re calibrate to get it on my waist. Nothing. Pressing the triggers down doesnt do anything for me. Still walking around with the white balls.


    Yesterday I tried to configure the model.
    Once calibrated, the kinect went into the game and got it.
    3 point the groin was generally in another direction, although in steamvr everything was fine.

    The second calibration, and all the points like in their places, however, the model broke, and the direction of the legs was not right.

    I never could get to run properly kinekt(

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so first image, are you saying that in steamvr you see trackers properly.
    then in vrchat you see them reversed?
    but when you press system they are again correct in Steamvr?


    but when you press system they are again correct in Steamvr?

    1 image, 1 is the first calibration.
    In steamvr all 3 controller look fine but the inguinal controller, why it is at the level of the abdomen.

    2 picture this, after another calibration, the game balls began to seem almost right, but when I start to move, the model breaks down, and breaks it on the groin area.

    today i will try to record a video with vrchat and steamvr will show what the problem is.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by jimbojimbo.
    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    thanks. it can really help.
    als please run sdk and try to have side by side skeleton to headset mirror.
    yesterday i was messing around vrchat and even saw few peopole with no issue.
    but yes, we integrate different products here so can be more situations to address.


    Hey I am running into the same issue but I am using RiftCat and a Kinect 360. How do I calibrate with this setup? Like I built this whole thing just to play VRchat and I am so close to finally being able to use this setup but I can’t figure out the last part

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you please send me logs as described here?


    here is a video with my problem, I hope it will be clear what I mean

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i am 99% sure the problem is that you are looking left when pressing grip 🙂
    when you calibrate avatar you need look forward…
    also, you don’t need to keep hands to the side at least I have observed it has nothing to do with actual position.


    Yes, you rightly said. After I stopped watching towards, animation go the normal work. However, when you switch to the other rooms sometimes stops working animation of the model, this is probably the in-game problem.

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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    when reporting problem it will help if you go back to system menu and tell me if trackers are where they should be.
    yes. if you can try with few models that will help. have seen xbox room. not sure if this is for my driver honestly where you have few avatars that support body tracking.
    can you tell me what your setup is?

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