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    I’m having some issues with the feet trackers in game being too high no matter how many calibrations I run. In the steamvr home, the trackers look fine, but in-game, they’re at most avatars knees or slightly below. Adjusting the leg height doesn’t lower it enough. Can anyone point me to a solution?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it might depend on avatar. not all work very well.
    you can also try to adjust height of controllers in calibratino menu.


    I’ve used the manual adjustment but even at -30 on the legs it isn’t enough. If the cap was higher then maybe it would work. Or are you talking about a different adjustment? What would changing the calibration to say hips or feet do in drver4vr calibration?


    Same problem here, calibration looks well, but ingame didn’t work, no matters the avatar 🙁

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you tell me which avatar you try ?


    I tried it on y-bot and that does sometimes line up. Some of the other defaults won’t and any mmd model never works with the limit on direct4vr manual adjustment. If I could go lower than -30 that might work then.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    i will make build for u to make ability for more correction.
    but I am not sure if that is the problem.


    I can’t say that it is but it might help? Been trying to mess with player height in game and with openvr and I’ve gotten closer to it working as well.


    If you use a female mmd or xnalara model I guarantee that your feet trackers will not match the feet of your character. Half the time a female model wears high heels and the other half of the time the model has super long legs because long legs are ideal feminine features and are exaggerated in models.

    VR chat and by extension steam vr sets your floor height based on how high your head is off the ground, but it also expects your arms to be a certain length based on how tall you are. If the game knows you are 6 feet tall and it knows that your hands are about 3 feet from your head, then it expects your feet to be 3 feet lower, but what if your model’s legs were actually 4 feet long when scaled properly? You would be crouching in game, so rather than having crouching avatars, they just make the in game floor lower than your actual floor.

    The only way to fix this issue is to shorten your models legs and leg bones in blender or some other rig editor. I shortened the legs of one mmd model and after making them 60% as long I could finally touch the floor in game. Cartoon avatars are not anatomically correct, so you just need to except that you need pc users or lolis to pick things up for you. Or you could just make a really short model.

    btw, you don’t actually need to have shorter legs on an mmd model to use kinect tracking. I just put the balls in my model’s calves and it works pretty well.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    what I have observed is that vrchat balls don’t match trackers. i think they go through individual scale for each avatar. and even if they are on level of knees as long as actual trackers are on the floor they work well.
    but I can see you design avatars so many things might depend on how you approach this.
    do you think there is anything on dirver side that can be done ?

    Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot

    When you allign the white balls, are they sitting above where your foot is or are they where your knees at? Also i agree with mmd models as some are broken as high heels or something would make the model a pile of mush. Try use the public avatars first and see if it works as i had to use them to get a general idea of how to set up the white balls. A good one that works really well is the X and Y models. Greg uses these in his videos as they are the best ones to use for full body tracking unless you create one with simular height and bones.

    EDIT: If you are having bending knees problem then goto the world called TUTORIAL (Vive or oculus) then calibrate your height through that world. You could also fiddle with adjusting the leg correction on the Driver4VR program in the calibration menu. (Make sure to press enter to apply changes)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Kaeden IrvineTheDunkShot.
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