Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting VRChat character stuck in floor?

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    Everytime I load my avatar, it’s has their arms out in a “T” Formation. Then when I click my triggers, I sink into the ground and become a blob. I feel like I calibrated everything correctly (3 standing 2 crouching). Is there something I’m missing?

    Oculus rift
    Xbox 360 kinect

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    firstly, how are your trackers look before starting vrchat ? are they correctly following body ? you can press System button to check.


    Where can I find the system button?


    Also my kinect (Vive controller icons) trackers are behind me, are they supposed to be on my body?


    Also am I supposed to do something special when I pick an avatar? It puts me in the t pose, am I supposed to match up with the body or something?

    A ZAZ

    Bump: When I go in game, my head position is near the ground rather than where it should be (above hip and at normal height). I can’t get myself to align to any avatars as the head is far too high above. My skeleton shows perfectly normal from the kinect.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    hi. sorry for late reply.

    , what is your setup ? i guess you need calibrate room. you probably have head on level of floor.

    you need align leg and hip controller with avatar. best start with X or Y bot.

    A ZAZ

    @greg Using joycons and kinect, don’t have a headset. My hands and hip and feet all track to correct height, it’s only the head that seems off?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    right now driver does not work without headset.

    A ZAZ

    Would any headset iPhone apps work to emulate headset position?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    yes. i think one is ivry.
    it allows you to stream vr game into headset and handle rotation. for position you need external source like kinect or ps move service.

    A ZAZ

    Thanks a ton!

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