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- This topic has 13 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
Jose Ruiz.
2019-05-29 at 17:49 #11352
Jose Ruiz
ParticipantHi, its been about 2 months now since I bought driver4vr and the vrtek headset. I messed around with it and different setups but never really got it working like it does in the videos. I currently have 2 wvr2 headsets, 2 kinect 1414’s, 2 gear vr controllers, 2 pairs of bluetooth vrbox controllers, a pair of joycons, 2 wiimotes with nunchucks, 2 leap motion controllers and the two bt xbox 360 controllers that came with the headsets. I thought this was going to be an ultra cheap vr setup but so far I could of bought an oculus or WMR headset which I did end up getting. I knew the vrtek headset was a gamble when I got it so I’m not mad, I’d just like to get it working with any of the controller options available to me currently.
The headset with the gamepad works great without driver4vr but just with sitting and gamepad games. I next purchased the leapmotion’s and tried the original leap steamvr driver which was cool but couldn’t get accurate button presses with all the different gestures. I then tried the driver4vr with a pair of bt vrbox controllers(sorry dont remember what happened but couldnt get it to work) so I then purchased the xbox 360 kinects and tried multiple combinations of controllers except the psmove because that seemed to be the more expensive option. Ok from what I remember my main problems were keeping the virtual controllers stable without moving all around, keeping only one pair of virtual controllers visible and keeping them centered and in front. This doesnt include all the kinect/leapmotion bandwidth and setup issues I had but worked out.
I know this is a mess but what combination of controllers that I currently have would you recommend I use and in what order should I install their drivers to get a stable setup? No log file because of all the possible setups. Could you help me? I pretty much gave up and just now had time to ask on the forum. I like to do things by myself as much as I can but it would be a shame to let all my efforts and money go to waste. Do you think this headset even works well with driver4vr? Thank youAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.2019-06-02 at 13:12 #11380Greg Driver
Keymasterso starting from vr gamepad. did you enter game mode (@+B usually).
you can test if they are in proper mode by software like AntiMicro or xpadder.
if not ingame mode they will act like mouse or change volume on pc.2019-06-02 at 13:27 #11386Jose Ruiz
ParticipantThanks, yes I did put them in game mode
2019-06-03 at 16:18 #11423Jose Ruiz
ParticipantOk, I decided to give it another try. I had uninstalled everything already so what I did was a fresh start. I installed my headset driver first, then the leap motion Orion SDK and finally the kinect 1.8 sdk. I then paired my BT vrbox controllers. I never got past this point with the vrbox controllers because of the 4 that I had only one worked. I then tried the wiimote with nunchuck but it had a low battery pack and I couldnt find the charger. So finally I ended up using my GearVR controllers. It worked fine but with the steamvr home on it blue screened. I switched off the steamvr home and it worked great.
Ok it finally stopped being so jittery and the controllers were no longer far away they were on the center of my face, well at least one was the other was ok but did not move around with my hand it just stayed in one single space and rotated or tilted. The other in my face was able to move around but in the opposite direction.
So thats where I’m at now I think it might have something to do with the leap vr. It shows fine in the visualizer….. I’ll see if I can mess with the leap motion a little when I have some extra time. What do you think? Have you come across this or have a fix? Thanks2019-06-03 at 18:34 #11428Jose Ruiz
Participantok some progress, I got the hand movements working but now its not reacting to trigger sometimes. I can get the stemvr dashboard working and can click things there. Another thing, I’m seeing 2 sets of vive wands. One pair is pointing up/down and the other forward and are joined at the wands rings. They do appear in front of me and two the sides like my hands do so that part is good. Maybe no trigger input because of the double wand pairs? Oh yeah everything was working then I blue screened again while playing beat saber, hmmm….. Oh yeah the wands always start all crooked until I do the volume down double click and hold which resets the wands relative to where my hands and controllers are. So yeah everything looks good except for the double wand thing and not reacting to trigger. There seems to have been lots of progress on the gearvr driver since I tried last time 🙂 I can now recommend a combination of Driver4vr($15)-VRTEK($40)-Kinect 360($15)-leap motion($60)-gearvr($20 both)= $150 + various cable extensions and usb 3.0 powered hub(bandwidth issues)I’m sure a modern PC wouldnt have this problem with more usb 3.0 headers. Still you can sometimes find Windows mixed reality headsets for even less than that on ebay( I got my acer headset for $140)
For the record the PC I’m using for this setup consists of:
i7 4790K
16gb 1333mhz 4 slots(low mhz for stability)
gtx 1070 ti
asrock z87 extreme62019-06-05 at 16:40 #11434Jose Ruiz
ParticipantOK I’m able to play some games but I still have the double wand issue and I keep getting BSOD’s. I thought it was related to the steamvr home but that doesnt seem to be the case because it now happens maybe 15 minutes into any game. I’ve tried Ninja Legends, Superhot vr, arizona sunshine and beat saber. They work but like I said they crash the pc. Not since I first built the pc did it bsod and I played the latest AAA games that are not vr in high/ultra settings @ 3840×2160 60hz. I dont think its the actual games or pc either but a problem with driver4vr & steamvr together that something is clashing. The BSOD read “WHEA someting something” hahhaha I’ll get it to do it later again and write down what it says. But any ways it restarts and the computer is good again unless I try vr again.
Another thing, can I remap the gearvr buttons in driver4vr or do I have to do it through steam’s controller settings? For example in arizona sunshine its grabbing with the home button and teleports with the return button and the thumb moves with touch pad but the trigger doesnt point or do anything but in the steamvr window the trigger does work. hmmm2019-06-06 at 16:15 #11441Jose Ruiz
Participantthe error reads: “WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR” Just did an reinstall of newest nvidia updates and a steamvr update check which was up to date and a steamvr validation. I hope it works now. I really want to play those games. The “whea” error could be drivers/ram/overheating/overclocking. I had underclock the gtx1070 ti by like 80mhz to get it to run stable so I’m going to just uninstall the msi afterburner and see if the bsod appears again(hope not)
2019-06-07 at 07:14 #11444Greg Driver
KeymasterBSOD is most likely hw issue and fighting it is difficult 🙁
2019-06-10 at 23:47 #11460Jose Ruiz
Participantok, I updated the graphics drivers, validated the steamvr, I had a break away cable with what I think could have been subpar cables so I upgraded those and cleaned and applied new arctic silver thermal paste on the cpu. The bluescreens are gone so is random crashes. Dont really know what fixed it maybe it was a combination of things.
Ok so the new problem is now a jittery/shaky screen and the display of dual controls in vr. When I rotate the gearvr controllers one pair in vr rotates but when the other swings side to side the other swings. During gaming though only one pair displays but vr display is real jittery, jumping around all over. What do you think is going on?2019-06-13 at 19:15 #11472SephirothRK
ParticipantHello, I have the same headset(WVR2) with Kinect for Xbox One, using 2 joycon for trigger. I actually put the Kinect on top of my monitor with a mount but I’m not sure it was a good idea. I have to play around with the settings in driver4vr since I don’t know anything. But I got to like level 4 in SuperHOT VR, but due to how I put my kinect It can’t register correctly my arm reaching out.
@morbeondeath Did you do Room Setup in SteamVR?-
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2019-06-13 at 22:39 #11476Jose Ruiz
ParticipantHi, yeah I did the room setup but I still get dual controls and the shaky/jittery camera. I also have my kinect above the tv because at the bottom I thought the ceiling fan was the problem. I think it’s going to work great once I figure it out, I havent had a chance to mess with it. I hope Greg knows or has an idea of what can be the problem.
2019-06-13 at 23:26 #11477Jose Ruiz
ParticipantOne more question…I have the cbuchner1(latest) driver for leapmotion installed could this be conflicting with driver4vr? I’ve read about this before but when I uninstall the cbuchner1 driver I no longer see the controls show up. Also I read that I have to go into the leap for vr folder to install a certain file with administrator rights so that driver4vr recognizes leap motion and play with driver4vr only as driver, well I did that as well and no go. Do I just install the orion sdk for leap motion or not even that? Normally I figure things out myself and try to get as far as I can and like everyone I’d like answers. This time around I havent had the time I think I need to do more research. I have a WMR set in another room but the room with the biggest space where my nephews spend most of their time has the driver4vr setup. I’d really like to get it working for them so they dont bump into things like in the wmr room. Thanks
2019-06-14 at 08:55 #11480Greg Driver
Keymastercan you turn Kinect head tracking off. so there is no tracking at all for head.
uninstall any other drivers then driver4vr for leap motion.
will see if Kinect is causing any clash .2019-06-14 at 20:59 #11489Jose Ruiz
ParticipantOk I’ll try that when I get another chance.
I had a chance to fiddle with it this morning and uninstalled the cbuchner1 driver and switched off the auto orient function on the leap motion. The wands didnt show up again so I went to the leapmotion folder under drivers and installed the driver again( I forget the name but its the only .exe file there) but then the kinect didnt work in driver4vr so I restarted and the kinect showed up but not the wands. I reisntalled that leapmotion driver again and it all worked with only 1 pair of controls on screen. We tried beat saber and it worked real smooth but we had to realign the controls alot. We then tried arizona sunshine and after setting up the height it worked but with that jittery/shaky thing happening again and having to realign the controls and then…..BSOD! I didnt see the error because I was away from the pc but my nephews told be it blue screened then restarted. Thats as far as we got however we did get to play for a good hour and a half. I dont remember if I have robust mode on in the leap motion control panel but if it is I’m going to try turning it off or back on to see if the shakiness goes away. Do you recommend I enable low resource mode in the leap motion control panel or the avoid low performance mode? How about automatic power saving? Thanks -
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
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