Homepage Forums New feature Using multiple kinects/ multiple leap motion controller

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  • #40690

    Hi Greg,
    Is it possible to use multiple kinects, or multiple leap motion controller in Driver4VR?
    it would be a good feature so for example with 2 kinects (one on the back facing my back, and one on the front) to achieve 360° full body tracking?
    A similar feature for multiple leap motion controller would be for example using a leap motion mounted on the front of HMD, and one mounted either on the monitor facing my front body, for even more accurate hand tracking/finger tracking.

    Marvin AchillesFennek_Kaipii

    He mentioned going for it in 2018 with no info till now as far I know.

    will there be a patch that we can have 2 kinects

    I also suggested Intel RealSense support, cause Kinects are actually End-of-Life products and vary hard in availability.
    He didn´t feel like answering to that suggestion.


    sao tôi không chỉnh sửa được tài khoản

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