Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Using DS4(PS4 controller) as trigger?

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    I was wondering if I could use the PS4 controller just for triggers. I’m playing VRChat and I can’t use the triggers to merge with my avatar in T-Pose. But the triggers that I mapped using the settings menu in driver4vr registers just fine and I can use my triggers in Steam VR Beta.
    Is it “trigger” or is it something else for VRChat?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    in vrchat you need to press Grip.


    Thanks! Another question I have is: why is one of my Joycons being paired but not connected in my bluetooth menu? My right JoyCon works just fine but my Left JoyCon is always “paired”. I can’t get it to stay connected unless I pull out my bluetooth usb connector.

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