Homepage Forums General Using captogloves with leap motion and driver4vr

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    Hello, I have a pair of captogloves and one of your users that is also on pimax vr forum , mentioned me of his idea of any possibility of using captogloves and the leap motion and driver4vr to play any vr games using the captogloves in place of the vive controllers and assign to the captogloves finger gestures and pressure sensor , functions of the vive controllers / button strokes
    Is it something possible to do?
    Can you pls guide me through it?


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    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    hi. yes that is really interesting idea 🙂
    we can think about this. they cost 500 bucks which is quite lot for me.
    if someone with such gloves has programming skills then he or she can develop driver that will expose me only Vive buttons like Trigger, System, etc.
    it would be relatively simple task for me and him or her.
    if someone is brave enough then he or she can send me pair for couple of weeks and I will make driver myself 🙂

    EDIT: ok. there are few other ways. I can see they map to keyboard or mouse or potentially something else. if they map to xinput then actually this can be done right now. if they map to keyboard then I can write mapping of keys to VR events.
    so more simple options are available 🙂


    Hi Greg,I have the gloves but no programming skills 🙁

    The gloves can map to map , keyboard , joystick , console controllers etc.

    What is xinput?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    this is api that allows acquire input from controller to windows.
    many controllers support it, in particular simple vr gamepad.

    you can try to map your gloves to joystick and use tool like AntiMicro to see if that works with xinput.


    The software of captoglove allow to assign key strokes, mouse movements and mouse button clicks to fingers. Moreover , basd on how much bending the fingers, I can assign two key stroke/2 functions to 1 finger.
    The gloves work perfectly to control non vr games.
    For vr games , the gloves can work if the game allow the use of mouse and keyboard and can be used in conjunction with the vive controllers to strap on the forearm.

    So I was wondering if your drivers used in conjunction with leap motion , while I am wearing the gloves , can :

    1) remove/avoid the use of the vive controllers to tight on my foreharm.

    2) allow me to activate keyboard and mouse clicks and mouse movements to those vr games were the mouse and keyboard are disabled .
    For example, fallout 4 vr disable the keyboard and mouse clicks/use.
    Arizona, instead, allow the use of the mouse and keyboard , in place of using the vive controllers

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Hi I also have captoglove and have purchased driver4vr and am very interested in this idea.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if there is driver for steamvr i can make fetch position from leap motion or kinect. not sure if leap will work properly with gloves anyway.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    there is no driver yet. There is a suite on pc that let’s you configure the gloves, upload profiles to them, save profiles. You can map the gloves to just about any types of controls keyboard, mouse, joystick, gamepad. Pretty sure xinput works because can map to just about anything.Right now can only play games that let you map controls not VR games with no access to control configuration. The gloves use bluetooth. Here is manual that tells you all about them https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0d5hrpwpue7am1/CaptoGloveUserManual.pdf?dl=0

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Would the new steam input mapping allow this? Idk

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    I have a 360 kinect.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    not sure about that. if current capto glove can act as joystick then probably you can create mapping of joystick to vr controller. using Mapping button in bottom part of UI. but there will be no rotation unfortunately.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Driver4vr has mapping to vr controller now correct? Maybe it will let me map the gloves if I use joystick mapping in suite. If this is what your trying to say? Will have to try later.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Idk what I’m thinking that wont work correct because I want to use my hands like real in vr finger bending.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Will have to wait for that tho nevermind but the mapping will at least give some functionality.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Ok so mapped to joystick in suite driver4vr recognizes mapping buttons having the gloves assigned to virtual controllers but could only get the left glove mapped right dont respond. There is no response in steam vr when bending fingers. The gloves dont show up in driver4vr unless I turn on vr gamepad and only thing can do is assign them to virtual controllers.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    for vr gamepad you need to assign each gamepad button individually to vr controller button. you need use button mapping option that is available on main window.
    but still you will not have orientation.
    let me know if that works.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Yea I did I tried both the old and new mapper in driver4vr. The old one didnt work very well so used the new one and got all fingers mapped to different buttons on left glove but right glove does not respond to mapping. After left glove was mapped no response in steam vr.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can you use other tool like AntiMicro to see if both gloves are available as input devices ?

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Ok so no go with antimicro but in joytokey they do show up but no response to finger bending.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    you mean no reponse for glove that also don’t work in SteamVR ?
    in such case problem is that input is not provided properly for this one.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    So all hope is lost then?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    if the glove does not provide any input then I cannot map it to button 🙁
    you might contact their support and ask why as it is something that should work.

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    It does respond to the mapping in driver4vr. I mapped the whole right glove

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so you are saying that both work in AntiMicro. and when you bend fingers, you can see there is press in AntiMicro for both.
    and you can map both in Driver4VR but only right one works?

    Pearce PicardPearce32

    Sorry. I am saying right one maps in driver4vr and I think I may have gotten response in steam vr once. I dont understand how is driver4vr able to map one glove then?

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