Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting "USB device not recognised"

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  • #10848
    Daniel ShawDaniel Shaw

    I get this warning a few minutes into starting VRChat. Everything is fine, set up goes smoothly and basic full body (skeleton) is running fine.

    Then after a short while (perhaps ten minutes in or so although I have been able to run this for nearly an hour without incident before) I get a warning message that reads

    “USB device not recognised
    The last USB device you connected to the computer malfunctioned and Windows does not recognise it”.

    I have tried to unplug and reconnect the Kinect but I am immediately presented with the same problem even if I have VRDriver turned off and will ultimately have to restart the computer to try again.

    I haven’t read any posts with this problem. Is it as simple as a faulty Kinect or is something else going on? Thanks for your help.

    Daniel ShawDaniel Shaw

    After a little more searching on the internet, I’m discovering that one of the most probable causes may be overheating. It is a second hand Kinect and I really have no idea how old it is and how much dust it may have built up. So, on my next attempt I blew into the fan to help clear it out. The Kinect did still die but it actually seemed to last longer.

    My next course of action will be to disassemble the unit and give it a thorough clean.

    I may be barking up the wrong tree so if anybody knows of the solution, please let me know otherwise I will update if this does indeed solve the issue.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    it would be good to check other pc. it does not nee to be gamaing one.

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