Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Unable to calibrate/recalibrate functionally

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  • #10985
    Kongpheng VangKongpheng Vang


    Just want to start off with a thanks for creating all of this for us.

    I am having trouble calibrating where my controllers are. Whenever i start up beat saber or even steamvr my controllers are together and don’t seem to move from their position. Also my field of view is slanted to the left(could be me calibrating to left most camera on my kinect 360). I’m pretty sure i have all the software needed.
    I don’t know how to recalibrate controllers so their pointing in the right direction as well. Please i’ve been on and off at this for weeks now trying to get this to work.

    my setup is:

    KINECT 360

    Using Trinus as headtracker
    Using PSmoveservice for controllers
    my D4VR settings are

    Head: Kinect skeleton
    Hand Controller: Psmoveservice
    Body: Kinect skeleton

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    so you have controller position tracking of controllers from ps eye cameras or kinect ?

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