Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Two left joy-cons

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  • #14356
    Andrew Whaleyazw413

    I bought a cheap pair of 3rd party joycons specifically for driver4vr. They pair fine with Windows ‘Joy-Con (L)’ and ‘Joy-Con (R)’ but in driver4vr they show as ‘Joycon – Left’ and ‘Joycon – Left1’. If I assign Left 1 to the right controller it’s pointing the wrong way and none of the buttons work. Any ideas ?

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    can u try these steps?

    1. can u try installing this:

    2. do this
    Before uninstalling the drivers, navigate to http://localhost:26762/ and remove all the devices from the “Currently affected devices” list and then restart your computer.

    3. uninstall 1.

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