Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Troubleshooting with Vive and Kinect 360

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    I am suffering from the 30′ high head problem using this program with the Vive and a Kinect 360 that others reported in the reddit post.

    Here is the troubleshooting I have done so far:

    It doesn’t appear to be IR related. I put the Kinect in a doubled paper bag weighted closed and with the driver4vr service running, my head was still way up in the air in VR.

    I clicked stop on the driver4vr driver in the app but continued to have disembodied head.

    As soon as I completely exited the d4vr app, my head returned to normal.

    Then I fired up the depth camera basic kinect app and was able to see my room depth ok in the preview window and put the headset back on and had virtually no position glitching.

    Let me know anything else I can test as this does look promising.


    I think I’ve found it. Some combination of weird defaults by dev and user error.

    Setting “Provide headset position from” to Off fixes this.

    Still having issues with calibration but at least my head is attached again.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    okey. let me know what issues, i hope I can help.

    good to hear that vive and 360 works for u.

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