Homepage Forums How-to and troubleshooting Troubleshooting Controller Stuck In Head And Stationary

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  • #11452
    steve waterssteve waters

    Hi. First of all I love the program and think it’s awesome and a great way to find use of the gaming stuff sitting around the house.

    So the problem I’m having is this. I get everything connected up. ( My VR setup currently is my Samsung Gear VR with My Note8 using Airlight to my pc via 5ghz wifi, 2 joycons, also have 2 wiimotes available, and an xbone Kinect.) I get it all fired up no errors and then when steam home or a game loads 1 controller ends up like its sticking in the middle of my head. Since I’m using the kinect as my mapping and the controllers as basically orientation and buttons I am confused as to what is going on.

    If I’m using the set of joycons, or 2 wiimotes, or a wiimote and nunchuck and set it to virtual trackers they work even though it’s only 3dof. And I was wondering if anyone else had this problem or if I set it up wrong.

    When I last tried it the right hand was stuck in my head area and the left hand was backwards… just weird.

    Anyway if you or anyone else could help that would be great. Thank you in advance.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    and once you quit game, you still see 2 controllers?

    steve waterssteve waters

    Yes exactly. Like on the menu screen they work fine. Or the loading screen. But in like steam vr home or games it is stuck as soon as it loads.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    which game is this? does it happen for each game?

    steve waterssteve waters

    It has done it for every game I’ve tried. The recent ones I’ve have tried are:

    Five nights at Freddy’s Help Wanted:
    Right hand stuck in head, left hand is completely backwards

    Beat Saber:
    Right hand stuck in head

    NVidia VR Funhouse:
    Right hand stuck in head, left hand is graphically right hand

    Cave Digger:
    Right hand stuck in head.

    Bla BlablaGreg Driver

    by menu screen you mean when you press system button in steamvr and see overlay ?
    can’t see potential cause right now and it would be strange if you see controllers properly in steamvr before launching game but also in steamvr home…
    could you please delete steamvr.vrsettings file or make backup.
    that file is stored in steam/config folder.

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